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Give Quiche A Chance T-Shirt
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When Rimmer had his anger removed and consumed by the polymorph in series III, changes were made to his light-bee that resulted in him wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the phrase "Give Quiche A Chance". After the attack, Rimmer becomes an intellectual philosophy type, often associated with pacifism, vegetarianism and various environmental movements in the 1990's. As such, the phrase is not only a pun on the phrase "Give Peace A Chance", but also a nod to the fact that no one in their right minds would pick a quiche over a delicious medium rare steak, full wrack of BBQ ribs, or mutton vindaloo with day-glow green mint sauce that just doesn't wash out. The sort of people who would, are also the sort of people that when faced with a hideous, psychic, emotions-feasting monster GELF are likely to suggest the formation of the Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society. Like Lister's T-shirts featured in this collection, this is a reproduction piece that can be easily found online.

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