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Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers Abridged Cassette
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In between series II and series III, Grant Naylor wrote the first Red Dwarf novel, officially referred to as "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers". This is the abridged two-cassette release of the audiobook, released in 1992. Back then the term audiobooks was not common place, so this cassette was often referred to as Red Dwarf: The Talking Book, narrated by Chris Barrie. The novel covers and expands upon material from The End, Future Echoes, Kryten, Me², and Better Than Life. It provides an explanation on how Lister ended up on the Dwarf, his first few months with the crew prior to the radiation leak, why Holly lost his mind, and gives a more sinister alternative take on the Total Immersion Video Game; Better Than Life. Most importantly, it taught us all one important lesson...
in the fictional town of Bedford Falls, it was always Christmas Eve.
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