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Poker Chips Classic Episodes Collection
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In 2007 Grant Naylor Productions and Collectibles Mania released the Red Dwarf Classic Episodes Collection of poker chips, limited to 1000 full sets. The display case could be bought pre-filled with a one off payment, or containing an initial three random chips allowing the collector to fill them in "at their own pace". As has been previously mentioned, Doug Naylor really knows how to license merchandise, and a limited release of individually purchased poker chips really is the pinnacle of collectible frenzy. The only way to top this would be releasing a range of collectible items that are even more expansive and impossible to find, such as, oh I don't know, hundreds of trading cards or something! Well, I am sure Doug would never approve such a crazy idea as that!

Series I Episode 2 - Future Echoes
Poker Chip #238

Series II Episode 5 - Queeg
Poker Chip #235
Series III Episode 2 - Marooned
Poker Chip #240

Series III Episode 3 - Polymorph
Poker Chip #236
Series IV Episode 5 - Dimension Jump
Poker Chip #239

Series V Episode 4 - Quarantine
Poker Chip #234
Series V Episode 6 - Back to Reality
Poker Chip #236

Series VI Episode 3 - Gunmen of the Apocalypse
Poker Chip #239
Series VII Episode 1 - Tikka to Ride
Poker Chip #237

Series VII Episode 2 - Stoke Me a Clipper
Poker Chip #237
Series VIII Episode 4 - Cassandra
Poker Chip #163

Series VIII Episode 5 - Krytie TV
Poker Chip #236
Red Dwarf Poker Chip
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