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Red Dwarf In Your Pocket

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In 2010 Underground released a selection of Red Dwarf keyrings, and the most exciting of the bunch was undoubtedly the Red Dwarf In Your Pocket gadget. Part of the wider In Your Pocket range, this device played a selection of quotes from the show at the press of a button. The quotes are:
Boys from the Dwarf - Lister
I've Been a complete and total Polaroid head - Kryten
Ooaaaaawwwww! - Cat
He's a Smeeeeeeg Heeeeead - Kryten
Spin my nipple-nuts and send me to Alaska -Kryten
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer

Red Dwarf In Your Pocket
Red Dwarf In Your Pocket

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