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Rob Grant Signed Book Card
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While not specifically a Red Dwarf item, here we have another autograph piece, this time belonging to the illusive Rob Grant. As Rob Grant bowed out of the Red Dwarf scene in the mid nineties, pieces with his autograph are not as common as the rest, especially as he was not involved at all with the trading card gambit. Red Dwarf specific items signed by Rob Grant are an astounding rarity (to see one, check out the Into The Gloop script in this online collection!), so this non-Red Dwarf autographed bookplate, part of the Penguin Books "Signed By The Author" range, is still a very nice item. The card is affixed to a short bio of the author and a list of their published works to date, which indicated the piece was put together by Penguin Books in 2006, just before the publication of Rob's novel, Fat.

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