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Starbug Electronic Playset
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Arguably one of the coolest pieces of Dwarfendise yet released, the Starbug Electronic Playset was released in August 2004, allowing Red Dwarf fans across the nation to own their very own Starbug, fly far away from here, and utter the sentence "NO YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH MY PLAYSET, IT IS NOT A TOY!" Now days the playset is relatively hard to find online, and normally always goes for numerous hundreds of pounds in mint condition. And you can see why. Everything about this model is special- the detailed interior with functioning Holly monitor, the scale figures of the Boys from the Dwarf, the packaging designed to look like a Red Dwarf hanger bay. While the engines do not light up as they were originally planned to in the prototype, the crew are joined by an interactable Talkie Toaster. Oh joy. Want to chat to Holly? Pop some bread into his toasting vestibules and Holly pops up on the display monitor. Want to laser your way out of an asteroid field? An excellent plan, with only two minor drawbacks... but while there are no lasers on the Starbug playset, there is a hookshot / missile / probe thingy that can be launched from beneath the head of the Bug. The playset also features a button which when pressed, plays classic sound bites from the crew. Due to a fault in the final products electronics, these sound bites are played in a low-pitched slow-mo style that'll make you strongly suspect there is a white hole nearby, and the Bug is on the other side of a boundary created by relative time dilation in an amazingly compressed space. It’s like having a conversation with Paul Robeson on dope. However, guides do exist online for fixing this fault yourself at home.

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