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10th Anniversary Card Holder
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Another excellent item produced for the Red Dwarf 1998 Xth Anniversary, here we have the leather, keyring bound, card holder, with little pewter Red Dwarf logo pin attachment. Interestingly, a fellow Boy-From-The-Dwarf of mine, who I will refer to only as Skipper (🫡), also has one of these wallets, only his contains a couple of extra, highly mysterious, cards...

Here we can see Skipper's wallet, with the two additional cards. The first is the classic promotional shot taken for series VII, appearing in numerous posters, calendars, and magazines around that time. The second is even more intriguing... a single Top Trumps style card for Kryten, part of a deck seemingly branded SFX, and apparently produced by a company called Black Star. The web domain is clearly no longer with the original producer, and I cannot find any information at all online about a Red Dwarf or SFX deck Top Trumps style product. This fact alone makes the card itself a stand-out item, as it is the third exhibit to completely allude my investigative skills, alongside the vintage Smeg Head keyring, and the Red Dwarf playing cards. Cards are clearly not my strong suit!
Further adding to the surreal nature of this bizarre situation is the fact that Kryten's "Real world alter ego" (whatever that means) is given as William Hague!?! I suppose because Hague is... bald??
Look, if anyone can shed any light at all on this mystery, answers on a postcard please!
(Or failing that, use the Contact page on this website.)
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