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Custom Made Bobblehead Psiren #2
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I promised that the best in Psiren bobblehead-ery was yet to come... and I am a man of my word, because here it is!
If you thought the previous prototype version of the fan made Psiren bobblehead was good, wait 'till you get a load of this one! The hight of the collar! The bulkiness of the shell! Those great big back antenna, the loooong claws, the plated, spikey carapace! The detail is ramped up to 11, and once again I am convinced that we have given T2 a run for their money with this one.
And remember, none of this would have happened if it weren't for the driving force... Skipper of the Red Dwarf Red Loft! So remember to swing by his site to see the many photographs of all the iterations and versions it took to end up with this final result, along with photos of his awesome Red Dwarf collection!
And the best news... THE ADVENTURE IS STILL NOT OVER!! For who is that I spy in the sky? A bird? A plane? Why no! It is ACE RIMMER, SPACE ADVENTURER!! What a guy!!

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