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Calendar 2007
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In what is possibly the most unique and interesting Red Dwarf calendar release so far, the 2007 entry was so special it even had it's own name! Red Dwarf Goes to Hollywood! No don't worry, this isn't another ill-advised US Pilot show... it is simply a calendar tha features a series of satirical fake movie posters, taking a series of popular films, and giving them a Red Dwarf twist!
This is genuinely one of the best Red Dwarf calendars available, as it isn't just photos from the show, but newly produced content, often managing to actual hit the nail on the head of being giggle-worthy.
My personal faves are July (made me genuinely spit out my lager), August (just fits too perfectly), and September (for having the guts to call out a movie made in 1997 for ripping of the visual premise of a Red Dwarf episode from 1989!). And let's face it... December is also a beautiful picture in it's own right.
This isn't all the calendar has to offer however, as in the tradition of all good UK tabloid papers and magazines-you'd-find-in-the-woods in the 90's and early 2000's, there is also FOLD OUT CENTERPIECE! (oooooooo). That's right, Dwarfspotting was deemed such a good crossover that it was dedicated a whole two page spread all to itself, which is ironic, as dwarfspotting in real life will get you a couple of extra pages to your criminal record.

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