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Red Dwarf Album & Silver Card
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Okay okay, maaaybe the true ultimate prize in Red Dwarf trading card elitism is actually this... the RED DWARF edition of the Leather Album! It is the same soft, squishy leather cover. The same shiny textured interior. But this time, there is that all too cool and unique additional title embossed into the front cover underneath the Red Dwarf logo.
Yes, that really is it for the Red Dwarf Edition of the Leather Album, but really what more do you want? An entirely new unique 63 card set of the original base cards, but with a tiny little tweak making them all the rarer and more desirable?? Don't let's be silly! That'd never happen...

Oh, there is ONE more thing though... each special edition leather album also came with a super rare and extremely extravagant silver coated trading card, matching the namesake edition of the album itself. This means that here we have one of only three types of precious-metal plated cards, and this Red Dwarf Silver Plated Card (FS1) is number 64 of only 250. Along with the Silver Plated Blue Midget Card, and the Gold Plated Starbug Card (which is not included in this collection- much to the constant distress of The Curator!), the three metal plated Futera Cards are the crowning jewels of any Red Dwarf collection.

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