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Starbug Laser Etched Crystal Paperweight
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Back in the late 90's and early 2000's there was a very odd craze... no, not mouse matts this time, but instead using lasers to blast little bubbles deep inside slabs of solid glass, creating little 3D images that could be viewed from all angles, forever suspended in the transparent crystalline structure, like some sort of silica-based stasis. Look, people really didn't have much to do before the widespread popularisation of the internet.
Never one to miss a trick, Grant Naylor released the Laser Etched Crystal Starbug Paperweight in 2004. Mind you, it doesn't actually say the words "paperweight" anywhere on it. Between you and me, I think people just really struggle to accept such an object could exist without function... but as far as I am concerned, this is one of the most beautiful pieces in the collection, easily standing alongside the 10th Anniversary Glass Plaque. What can I say... I just really like glass objects, ok?

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