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The Complete Collection Australia Import

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The Northern Hemisphere conquered, the JMC Mining Ship Red Dwarf turned the sights of its targeting lasers onto the next target- Australia. Well, they would have done, but for two minor drawbacks. But I digress...
The Complete Collection, released 05.08.2010, includes not only a rare DVD release of the Remastered versions of series I - III, but also series IV - VIII, and Back To Earth (both broadcast and Director's Cut versions). Its nineteen DVDs further provide all the bonus discs from each series, and the Smeg Ups and Smeg Outs programmes. And as if that wasn't enough, there is also a booklet guide detailing the digital contents, and two special stickers.

Red Dwarf The Complete Collection
Red Dwarf The Complete Collection
Red Dwarf The Complete Collection
Red Dwarf The Complete Collection
Red Dwarf The Complete Collection

The nineteen discs are presented in three foldout digi-boxes.

Each one is stylised in a similar album style fashion to the All The Shows Anniversary Edition DVD UK  release.

Red Dwarf The Complete Collection

Oh, and the matching red discs and transparent red plastic casing is possibly one of the most gorgeous and satisfying Red Dwarf DVD designs out there. More gorgeous than Pete Tranter's sister. More satisfying than a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli sauce and chutney. And that isn't opinion slipping in, that is empirical fact. I mean, just look at that reverse spine shot. All six of my nipples are tingling!

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This website is fan-created content with no association with Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Grant Naylor Productions, or the Red Dwarf trademark. It is an archive for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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