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Fan Made Rob, Ed & Paul Commentaries Case

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Dubbed the "Quarantine Commentaries", Rob Grant, Ed Bye and Peter Jackson brought a little joy to our 2020 lockdown experiences by releasing their own commentaries for each episode of the show from the first three series. And what's more, in each episode they were joined by a special guest to chat alongside them. Simply cue up each episode, grab a bowl of sprout crumble, and hit play to learn some fun Dwarf anecdotes and have a whole heap of laughs along the way. As with all of the Fan Made case designs, no official release has happened and the case remains sadly empty. But maybe, one, day, if the King of the Potato People is merciful, we may get our wish...

Fan Made Rob, Ed & Paul Commentaries
Fan Made Rob, Ed & Paul Commentaries Case

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This website is fan-created content with no association with Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Grant Naylor Productions, or the Red Dwarf trademark. It is an archive for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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