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Fan Made Red Dwarf Night Case

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On the 14th of February 1998 the BBC and Red Dwarf celebrated the 10th Anniversary (stylised the Xth Anniversary, because Grant Naylor just can't get enough of a good Roman numeral!) of the show by dedicating a full nights worth of broadcasting to the Boys from the Dwarf and the Small Rouge One. How many TV shows can say that, ay? While a couple of the shows from Red Dwarf Night managed to make it to an officially released DVD in one way or another, sadly, the majority did not. While this case is no substitute for an offical version with contents included, it is still a nice nod to a special night.

Red Dwarf Night DVD
Red Dwarf Night DVD

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This website is fan-created content with no association with Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Grant Naylor Productions, or the Red Dwarf trademark. It is an archive for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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