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RPG A.I. Screen, Extra Bits Book and A. I. Add On

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The Red Dwarf RPG extravaganza is not over yet. This is the third and final entry to the RPG collection, the A. I. Screen and Extra Bits Book. Released 2003, the screen functioned as the Game Master divider, supplying privacy (and useful information) to the leader of the RP adventure. The Extra Bits Book and A. I  Add On provide even more character stats and equipment to use in game, and also gives you some helpful answers and suggestions for making the most of your game and keeping control of your players. With all three pieces of the Red Dwarf RPG trifecta in hand, you can create a game that no one will ever want to leave!
After all, this is Better Than Life. Oh sorry, wrong game.

Red Dwarf RPG A.I. Screen
Red Dwarf RPG A.I. Screen
Red Dwarf RPG A.I. Screen

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