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Series I - VIII Blu-ray

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You may be starting to come to the realisation that Red Dwarf has been brought to disc more times than Jim Bexley Speed's famous 2175 kick that won the '74/'75 season, broke the all-time record for three-dimensional yardage, and propelled the ball to such a high velocity that it escaped the confines of the pitch and launched into a perfect orbit around Earth. And on 14.01.2019 Red Dwarf was brought to Blu-ray for the first time in this beautiful boxset, featuring the first eight series along with all the bonus features to boot. All in all, another very nice piece for the ever expanding Red Dwarf digital suite.

Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset
Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset
Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset
Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset
Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset

New and unique artwork of Starbug and its mothership on the front of each inner sleeve. And if you're thinking the ramscoop looks a little weird... that is because it does, okay? Look, just ignore it.

Green planet, top left corner pocket. She rides!

Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset
Red Dwarf Blu-ray Boxset

Also included in this set is a bonus disc containing the lost episode from series I, Bodysnatcher, and associated extras.

Red Dwarf™ and the Red Dwarf™ logo are the registered trademarks of Grant Naylor Productions.


This website is fan-created content with no association with Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Grant Naylor Productions, or the Red Dwarf trademark. It is an archive for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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