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Smeg Ups UMD-DVD

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Way back in 2004 Sony released a new disc format for playing on their Playstation Portable (PSP) handheld devices. They called this new format the "Universal Media Disc" or UMD for short. Oddly enough, not many people wanted to watch TV shows and films on a 3.8-inch screen, and UMDs quickly became discontinued. But before that happened, Smeg Ups was brought to glorious UMD 480 × 272 pixel resolution in 2006! In an ironic twist of fate, the Smeg Ups is the only Red Dwarf media to exist on UMD, a format that was, by all accounts, a complete and total Smeg Up for Sony.

Red Dwarf Smeg Ups UMD
Red Dwarf Smeg Ups UMD
Red Dwarf Smeg Ups UMD
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