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Smeg Ups VHS

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As if the flamingoed up release order of the main series VHS cassettes was not enough, the anachronisms spread to the Smeg Ups VHS as well. Smegs Ups, released 1994, showcased the outtakes from series IV, V and VI of the show, with a number of short links and intros presented by Kryten himself. Also included on the vid are Krytens answers to the "10 most asked questions about Red Dwarf", and the original non-cliff hanger ending to S6E6, Out of Time. After this release, Smeg Ups quickly became a staple of the Red Dwarf franchise, with no bonus features complete without one or two thrown in for giggles.

Red Dwarf Smeg Ups VHS
Red Dwarf Smeg Ups VHS

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