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The Official Red Dwarf Companion

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On 22.10.92, The Official Red Dwarf Companion came hurtling into the solar system and crashing into Earth like a freshly painted Starbug 1. Covering series I to V, the magazine style guide provides episode synopses, script extracts, character and special guest profiles, photographs, interviews, and Behind The Action details on scripts, production, design, visual effects and costume & makeup. There is also a nice double page spread on "The Future" of Red Dwarf, which is mostly a chance to advertise the novels, smegazines and other merch. However, a not-inconsiderable amount of this section is dedicated to something called the "US pilot". I can't wait to see how that one turns out!

The Official Red Dwarf Companion
The Official Red Dwarf Companion

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This website is fan-created content with no association with Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Grant Naylor Productions, or the Red Dwarf trademark. It is an archive for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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