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Tongue Tied VHS
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No, you are not accidentally peering through a Crapola Dream Recorder™, this is real life. And this is a real thing that actually exists. You see, in 1993 a whole range of The Cat Tongue Tied merchandise became available, and this VHS was one such item. The VHS is a strange experience, to say the least. It makes you feel like you've been at the marijuana gin again. It gives you the impression you have been secretly fed a consignment of Headbanger Harris' Freaky Fungus. It starts with a talking cat and Danny John-Jules as Leo Davis, the useless pop-video producer, and the trip only gets more intense from there. Bizarre remixes of Tongue Tied, clay-motion cut-aways, angry racist execs, Elvis Presley, a couple of hyper-sexualised music videos, both Holly's, Queeg, a disembodied Rimmer head, Judge Dredd, Tabby Ranks' manager, this vids got it all.
And just when you think you are starting to come down from it all and get welcomed back to reality, part two begins: a making-of-Thriller style behind the scenes look at the Titan Mushrooms induced fever dream that you only just witnessed. No one has VHS players anymore, but this video alone would make it worth tracking one down, fixing it up, and hunting for this inexplicable video. Just make sure you have a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli sauce and chutney on standby for when it's over.

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