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Custom Made Bobblehead Holo-Virus Rimmer & Mr Flibble #1
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The plan was to make a Holo-Virus Rimmer and Mr Flibble headknocker at some point in 2006, along with a Psiren bobblehead to boot. Sadly though, psi-virus infected Rimmer was never made beyond a single proto-type model, and the Psiren was never more than a picture on a poster and a twinkle in Doug Naylors eye. That single Rimmer bobblehead went on to be auctioned off to one incredibly lucky Red Dwarf fan at Dimension Jump XIV in 2007, and its whereabouts is now unknown. Well, this Curator for one could not accept that sad twist of fate, and in 2021, decided to take matters into their own hands. Introducing this one of a kind, custom-made, gingham-draped, army-boot-clad, Holo-Virus Rimmer & Mr Flibble bobblehead! Sure it isn't exactly up to the T2 standard, but Mr Flibble certainly scares the hell out of me!
Could this be the ultimate and definitive most incredible custom made Red Dwarf bobblehead ever? Could this be... GAME OVER BOYS!?!?
Or could it be, that there is another...

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