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Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers Special Edition Boxset
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This is the now the forth cassette release of Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers that we have featured on the website, and all the same 1992 Chris Barrie recording, produced by Laughing Stock. For those who aren't counting, the shortest version we have is the 1996 Radio Show Volume 1 release. Next is the 1992 abridged edition, released on two cassettes, and reaching 3 hours in length. Out in the lead is the unabridged 8 hour release, which also hit the shelves in 1992, and is spread over a whopping six cassettes!
So, what is this? I̶'v̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ s̶e̶e̶n̶ o̶n̶e̶ b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶, n̶o̶ o̶n̶e̶ h̶a̶s̶, b̶u̶t̶ sorry, I've done that gag already... anyway... this is a very rare special edition release of Infinity Welcomes! It comes in this lovely metallic shiny silver box-sleeve, and is intriguingly a three cassette release, with beautiful unique artwork on the cassette box slips. Does this mean is it half as short as the six cassette release and one third longer than the two cassette release, putting it at between four to four and a half hours long? Honestly, I wish I could tell you! But unfortunately, there is no run time information on the case, and I do not have a cassette player to find out myself.
In fact, I have reached the end of just about anything I can tell you about this particular release, because it is not only the forth cassette release of Infinity Welcomes, but also the forth item on this website that I simply cannot find any information at all about online. And once again for those who aren't counting, the other mystery items are the Red Dwarf Playing Cards, the Vintage Smeg Head Key Ring, and the 10th Anniversary Card Holder.
Where was it released? When was it released? Why was it released? I've got nothing! So once again, say it with me, answers on a postcard please!

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