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Series VII Sealed DVD

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As mentioned on the page for the other sealed exhibit in this museum, duplicate items and sealed releases are not exactly what this museum specialises in. However like that item, this one is again a little bit special!

You see, for reasons as yet unknown to God's and Men, the Series VII DVD is the DVD that has the highest resale value on a certain popular internet auctioning website when sold in the original sealed plastic shrink wrap. Odd isn't it! So once he realised this was the case, nothing could stop Skipper- famed Red Dwarf memorabilia collector and HUGE appreciator of sealed merchandise- from donating one to the museum.

If anyone can ever let the pair of us know why this DVD sells for so much more than the other sealed Red Dwarf DVDs- you know, such classics as Series I, or who could forget Series III, or even how about the excellently popular Series V, or literally any other series than smegging series VII- then answers on a postcard please!

Red Dwarf Series VII Sealed DVD
Red Dwarf Series VII Sealed DVD
Donation Medal

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