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Series I - VIII USA Import Compact
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Depending on the order that you are viewing these exhibits, you may well have already noticed that Grant Naylor Productions are very good at capitalism. They release plenty, and they release often. And just because something has already been released, that is no reason at all not to change the packaging slightly, and smegging well release it again. Counting all official UK releases, the previous US edition, and the Australian edition, Red Dwarf has seen no fewer than EIGHT boxset releases on disc- and with this newest Region 1 rerelease, that total is now NINE... and that doesn't even include the DVD sets from other non-AUKUS countries!
This rather unexpected rerelease debuted in 2021 according to the back of the box, offering a snazzy compact storage solution for American Dwarfers who were sick and tired of seeing eight separate (albeit nicely slipcased) DVD boxes on their Target brand shelving units. You'll also notice that the producers of this boxset opted to retain the name "The Complete Collection" exactly as it was displayed on the earlier US boxset release, despite the fact that this set still only contains series I - VIII meaning it is most certainly not the "Complete Collection" as it stood in 2021. Hell, even the Australian boxset released in 2010 claiming to be "The Complete Collection" contains Back To Earth, and that set was released eleven years before this one.
Despite this, and in some ways due to it, this rerelease of Red Dwarf is a very curious and somewhat rare item, featuring all the bonus features from the first boxset, but this time with a new disc presentation style and updated design. Keep the rereleases coming boys, it is about time for a Red Dwarf Merch Revolution, ya hear? YEEEEEE-HAW!

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