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Fan Made Tongue Tied DVD Case
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Before reading on with this exhibit, the Curator strongly recommends you familiarise yourself with this item, as there is some, how to put it, required backstory to be had here.
Right, are we all back now? All up to date? Good.
Here we have yet another fan made case, this time providing a DVD counterpart to the Tongue Tied VHS. To be fair, as the original Tongue Tied Collection was produced in 1993, it would have been pretty impressive of Grant Naylor to release a DVD entry. Hence this case design, for the sort of people who like to hang their underpants on coat hangers. For those who while away their evenings sewing name labels on to their ship-issue condoms.
Note: the Curator is presenting the bloke who writes the exhibit entries with an official warning for being a total Gimboid.

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