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Custom Made Bobblehead Holo-Virus Rimmer & Mr Flibble #3
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If you have not been following the story so far, it'd be a good idea to pop over to this exhibit, and then this exhibit, to ensure the flow of sense and continuity that you have come to expect from all things Red Dwarf. On second thoughts, strike that last point. Just check out the other two Holo-virus Rimmer bobbleheads first!
All caught up now? Great. In that case you are ready for the crème de la crème of the Holo-virus Rimmer SMEGFEST that is this crazy bobblehead adventure of a lifetime for this website Curator and Skipper (🫡).
Second in our line of completely unofficial, totally fan-made, beautifully hand-crafted and hand-painted, 100% artificial colours and flavourings bobbleheads is... drumroll... The Ultimate Holo-Virus Rimmer & Mr Flibble! And this is as good as it gets folks. T2 eat your heart out. Perfect lines of the authentic gingham design. Big ol' chunk army boots. The accurate Rimmer facial likeness. An a Mr Flibble so uncanny that I am pretty sure I am about to be fried alive with his Hex vision.
If T2 feel like they could make a better Holo-virus Rimmer and Mr Flibble bobblehead than this, then I would like to see it. In fact, I would love to see it! The time, love, passion, and joy that went into designing this beauty is immeasurable. And it also resulted in the firmest friendship between two men since Third Technician Dave Lister met Ace Rimmer, Space Adventurer. Now, SING IT SKIPPER!
To check out the many photographs of all the iterations and versions it took to end up with this final result, along with photos of his awesome Red Dwarf collection, check out Skipper's instagram- the Red Dwarf Red Loft.
And if you were worried this was the end of our little Red Dwarf bobblehead adventure... well have no fear, because there is yet another prototype idea that The Curator and Skipper had set their sights on... and if you think it looks like Pete Tranter's sister, I would advise you keep your distance...

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